There I was glazing out side of my rusty old cell. Until my captain (Captain Blackbeard) freed me out with with the rest of the crew. After we all decided around dawn to raid Captain John Snow's ship and take whats rightfully ours. But where will we hide it all? asked one of the pirates yelled. In our chest you buffoon! exclaimed the captain. It was dawn and everyone was prepared. Slowly we walked towards the ship until Captain John Snow approached right in front of me with a gun. Thats when I realized it was all dream.
100 WC WEEK 13
"Run!" yelled the zookeeper with fright. Slowly did I realize that he yelled "run" because all the animals were escaping! So I simply followed instructions and ran like my butt was on fire! Running and running finally I found an exit. But the tiger was blocking my escape. Then the tiger saw me dead in the eye. So the tiger came closer and closer until....
You have an idea for a story but it needs some work. Remember if someone is speaking you need to use quotation marks and proper punctuation as well as start a new line for each new speaker. Some of your sentences are incomplete.