The Sandwich

                "Goodness, that sandwich was heavenly. Thanks for the outstanding sandwich."beamed  Allen with full of excitiment.
"It's just a sandwich,"mum replied.
"You might think it's just a sandwich but that sandwich made me feel energetic.
Just like a brand new battery."
"Are you okay? You always hated my cooking." Mum said, sounding confused.
"Okay, I feel great"
"That's good."
"Please mom, just please can you make another sandwich?"
"You like my cooking?"Mum sniffled with tear rolling down her cheek.
"I do!" exclaimed Allen.
So his mum hurried to the kitchen and made a sandwich.
                                YEARS LATER

"Mum can you make another sandwich?"
"Get off your butt and make it yourself!"




  1. It is evident that you have taken time to edit and revise your story this week. Watch for spacing at the end of your punctuation and before a new words starts. You have used some stronger words instead of said to help tell the feelings and action of those speaking. Well done.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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